Navigation means involvement

hi, my name is marcel j. scacchi and i am your medtech navigator, project manager, interlocutor, or wailing wall.


i am an expert with an in-depth knowledge of medtech and dental technologies, markets and health systems.


for requests concerning my services, know-how and expertise, please write to 
or call this number in Switzerland +41(0)798 932 996.


trained in Switzerland and abroad in communications, business administration and clinical dental technology, I offer a strong commitment to strategy development / implementation and produce solid results in start-up, rapid growth and turnaround situations. for many years, I was involved in executive positions in companies such as CURADEN, MIKRONA GROUP, CENDRES & METAUX SA, INSTITUT STRAUMANN, METALOR, REHA TECHNOLOGY and other, smaller but yet globally active companies. 

over the last two decades, I have been active as a NAVIGATOR for MEDTECH companies responsible for a variety of projects resulting in sustainable company success and reduced return-on-investment times. occasionally, i write for professional journals, give presentations or help to organize events on "going-global" topics. my short coprorate presentation tells you more...

roles & approach

  • project and/or interim manager, member of steering committees and/or advisory boards
  • sparring partner for executive management or board members
  • focus on medtech and related industries
  • emphasis on dental, orthopaedics, trauma, biomaterials, plastic surgery and (neuro)rehabilitation
  • well-balanced between theoretical know-how and ample operational experiences
  • continuous education and (believe it or not...still) on-the-job learning

current board memberships

  • ICCO (Zürich)
  • BTK (Vicenza)
  • MARCS GROUP (Aarau)
  • Member of the Program Committee